针对永磁同步电机普通V/f控制中抗扰动性差、易失步、控制性能差等问题,对面贴式和内嵌式永磁同步电机的稳态转速波动抑制和高性能的单位电流最大转矩控制进行了研究,对电机稳态运行时的有功功率和转速波动之间的关系以及无功功率和电机单位电流最大转矩控制之间的关系进行了分析,提出了基于有功和无功观测的转速阻尼环补偿和单位电流最大转矩的高效控制方法。利用Matlab/Simulink仿真系统对提出的控制方法进行了仿真分析并对提出的方法进行了测试,同时在CYPRESS公司的PSoC5CY8C5868单片机构成的驱动系统以及350 w的永磁同步电机组成的实验平台上进行了试验。研究结果表明,该方法能够使永磁同步电机的V/f控制在稳态运过程中更加稳定、抗扰动性更强,采用单位电流最大转矩的控制方法有效的降低了电机电流,达到了高效控制的目的。
Aiming at solving the problems of poor stability and low efficiency of the PMSM withV/f control,the high efficiency control method based on power observation was investigated. After the analysis of the speed variation and the low efficiency during the steady state,the observer based on active power and reactive power was established. A method was presented to achieve the stable control based on active power observer and MTPA control strategy based on reactive power observer. The proposed method based on power observation was evaluated on Matlab/Simulink,the experiment based on a SPM motor was tested. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is stable and efficient for the PMSM withV/f control method。
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering