

Research on the Target Localization Method Based on Wireless Correlated Link Analysis Sensor
摘要 无线电层析成像(RTI)是通过分析因环境改变引起无线链路接收信号强度(RSS)的变化情况来推测场景信息的过程。本文运用一种新的链路分析方法,该方法通过分别分析场景目标对链路的两种影响,即因阻挡而阴影衰减的影响和因反射而使链路多径分量增加的功率增强影响,得到不同的场景信息,最后综合两种信息得到场景信息,大大减少无线信号噪声干扰。通过实验证实,该方法能减少噪声对RTI的干扰,实验结果有较好的收敛度。 Radio tomographic imaging(RTI)is a process which infers scene information through the changes of wireless link's received signal strength(RSS)caused by the environment change. This paper proposes a new link analysis approach which, by analyzing the two influences of scene objective to link: the influence of shadow recession caused by block and that of enhancement for the reason of additional multipath components caused by reflection, to get different scene information. We integrate these two informations to obtain the scene information which greatly reduces the interference of wireless signal noise. Finally through the experiment, we verify that this method can reduce the interference of noise to RTI and the results have a great degree of convergence.
出处 《科技广场》 2015年第2期94-98,共5页 Science Mosaic
关键词 无线射频网络 实时定位 无携带定位 DFL 分类分析无线层析成像 Radio Frequency Network Real-Time Location Device-Free Passive Localization DFL Classification Analysis Radio Tomographic Imaging(CARTI)
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