Three hundred and eighty - nine hlopromazine-treated psychotic patients discharged from April to Saptember, 1997 were investigated. The incidence of drug side effects was 51. 4%(200 cases). Among them,131 developed EKG changes (65. 5%), 57 extrapyramidal side effect (28. 6%), 52 SGPT elevation (26. 0%),26 EEG Changes (13. 0%),22 dermatitis(11. 0%),16 gas-trointestinal side effects (8. 0%) ,12 haematological side effecsts (6. 0%) ,9 postural hypotension (4. 5%),4 endorine symptoms(2. 0%),12 the other symptoms(6. 0%). The causes and treatment of these side effects were analyzed.