Objective:To observe the Yigan Jiedu Decoction and Lamivudine(LAM) on treating the patients with Chronicity hepatitis-B.Methods:68 patients with Chronicity hepatitis-B were chosen and divided into two groups randomly, 34 cases in the treatment group were treated by Yigan Jiedu Decoction and LAM, and the other group of 34 cases were treated by LAM only, one treatment course was 24 weeks, observation of clinical symptoms,ALT,HBV-DANRCR changes were recorded before and after treatment.Results: There was no obvious difference of liver function between the control group the treatment group before the cure(P〉0.05), significantly improvement of ALT and HBV-DNA-RCR was found in two groups after the cure(P〈0.05), There was no obvious difference of between the treatment and the control group in 24 week(P〉0.05), significantly improvement of liver founction,HBA-DNA was found in two groups in the early 12 weeks(P〈0.01). Conc1usions: Yigan Jiedu Decoction and LAM can alleviate inflammation of the liver, used in the treatment of non- alcoholic fatty liver disease has good curative ef fect,and is more cheap in the early 12 weeks.
Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine