
基于协调度函数的碳排放初始权区域分配模型研究 被引量:3

A Model of Regional Carbon Emission Right Allocation Based on Coordination Degree Function
摘要 针对目前碳排放初始权区域分配模型中分配原则、指标体系不一致的问题,提出了碳排放初始权区域分配协调度概念,并确定了公平性原则、效率性原则、可持续发展原则、保障工业生产原则、保护环境原则作为碳排放初始权区域分配的具体原则,构造了基于各个分配原则下的碳排放初始权区域分配协调度子函数,建立了以碳排放初始权分配系统协调度最大为目标的协调度分配模型。将此模型应用到华东电网区域的碳排放初始权分配中,结果表明该模型合理、有效、可行性高,能较好的兼顾各个分配原则。该区域分配模型不依赖分配指标体系,能有效避免分配指标体系混乱问题,所建立的模型可以为碳排放初始权区域分配的研究提供借鉴。 Aiming at th e inconsistency problem of principle and index system on carbon emission right allocation model among regions,the concept of coordination degree of carbon emission right allocation among regions was put forward. And five standards: principle of fairness, efficiency principle of productiveness, principle of sustainable development, principle of protecting industrial, principle of environmental protection were extracted. Coordination degree sub-function according to each principle was constructed and maximum system coordination degree of regional allocation model was calculated. Then this model was applied to the regional allocation of carbon emission right of East China Power Grid. The results indicated that the model is reasonable, effective, and highly feasible, and better to take into account the various distribution principle. The regional allocation model was independent of index system of allocation, which could effectively avoid confusion of allocation index system, and this model could provide a reference for the study of carbon emission right allocation among regions.
作者 刘传玉 张婕
机构地区 河海大学商学院
出处 《环境科技》 2015年第2期1-5,共5页 Environmental Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41471457):基于三对均衡关系的碳排放初始权配置方法研究(2015-2018)
关键词 碳排放初始权 协调度 区域分配 优化模型 Carbon emissions right Degree of coordination Regional distribution Optimization model
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