
Cu^(2+)对Fe(bpy)_3^(2+)负载改性PAN纤维光催化的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Cu^(2+) on Photocatalytic Performance of Modified PAN Fiber by Loading Fe(bpy)_3^(2+)
摘要 制备了Fe(bpy)32+负载偕胺肟改性聚丙烯腈(PAN)纤维非均相Fenton催化剂,并通过配位作用将Cu2+引入该催化剂,制备了双金属负载改性PAN纤维催化剂(Cu Fe B-PAN)。并对该催化剂进行FTIR光谱、UV-Vis DRS谱图、光催化活性分析,探讨并分析了不同因素对光催化活性的影响。结果表明,Cu2+的引入拓宽了催化剂的可见光吸收范围;Cu2+的引入明显提高了催化剂的光催化活性,而且拓宽了p H适用范围;Cu2+的引入提高了催化剂对可见光的利用效率。 Heterogeneous Fenton catalyst was obtained by loading Fe(bpy)3^2+ on polyacrylonitrile(PAN) fiber modified by amidoxime, and then Cu2+ was introduced into the catalyst through coordination effect, and the bimetallic loading modified PAN fiber catalyst (CuFeB-PAN) was prepared. The catalyst was analyzed by FFIR spectra, UVVis DRS spectrogram and photocatalytic activity. The effects of different factors on photocatalytic activity were discussed and analyzed. The results show that the introduction of Cu2+ broadens visible absorption region of catalyst, greatly improves photocatalytie activity of catalyst, extends pH application scope, and increases the utilization efficiency of catalyst on visible light.
出处 《针织工业》 2015年第4期55-58,共4页 Knitting Industries
基金 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目(20140313) 国家大学生创新训练计划资助项目(201310058003)
关键词 Fe(bpy)3 2+ CU2+ PAN纤维 双金属 光催化 染料降解 Fe (bpy)3^2+ Cu^2+ PAN Fiber Bimetallic Photocatalytic Dye Degradation
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