

Analysis of Corrosive Sulfur in Transformer Oil
摘要 针对近几年发生的变压器在运行中硫腐蚀引起的问题,以及硫化亚铜产生机理的争议,设计了硫醇和DBDS(二苄基二硫醚)对变压器油腐蚀的试验方案,即在25#变压器新油中加入浓度为0,100,200,300,400,500(mg/kg)的十二硫醇和DBDS,在140℃下恒温老化48小时。测试了变压器油酸值、体积电阻率、表面张力和铜含量数值的。结果表明:在相同条件下,硫醇对变压器油的影响要高于DBDS。因此在研究硫腐蚀时不能忽略硫醇的影响。 In view of the insulation failure problem caused from the sulfur corrosion in power transformer found recently, as well as the mechanism of copper sulphide controversy, Designed mercaptan and DBDS (dibenzyl disulfide) pilot program for transformer oil corrosion, That is added at a concentration of new 25# translbrmer oil for 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 (mg/kg) of dodecanethiol and DBDS, under the 140 ~C isothermal aging 48 hours, The acid value, volume resistivity, surface tension, copper content and their change of the transformer oil were tested. Results show that: Under the same conditions, mercaptan for the influence of transformer oil is higher than DBDS. Therefore, the study can not ignore the impact of sulfur corrosion mercaptan.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2015年第8期53-54,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 变压器油 硫腐蚀 硫醇 二苄基二硫醚 绝缘性能 transformer oil;sulfur corrosive;mercaptan;dibenzyl disulfide;insulating properties
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