
国民经济核算体系:奠基与变革——兼论钱伯海教授的重要理论创新 被引量:2

The National Economic Accounting System: Foundation and Change——Analyzing Important Theoretical Innovations of Professor Qian Bohai
摘要 钱伯海先生不唯书、不唯上,只唯实,将毕生精力献给了中国经济学和统计学的教学与研究,取得了一系列原创性成就,为中国经济和统计的理论创新和制度建设作出了巨大贡献。先生的创新性成就举其要者有:创建国民经济核算的平衡原则,创立社会劳动价值论,提出国民大核算构想,推进中国国民经济核算制度改革,优化统计学科体系,创立经济新学科,创新经济学理论,绘制经济学发展蓝图。先生献身科学,追求真理,践行了哲学社会科学家认识世界、传承文明、创新理论、咨政育人、服务社会和创造财富的使命,为我们树立了光辉的典范,是我们悉心攀学的楷模。 Professor Qian has devoted his whole lifb to teaching and researching economics and statistics with an objective and practical method and has been highly accomplished in original research, making great contribution to theoretical innovation in and institutional development of economics and statistics in China. His innovative research achievements mainly include: establishing the balance principle in national economic accounting, creating the social labor theory of value, proposing the general concept of national accounts, advancing the institutional reform of China's national economic accounting system, improving the system of statistics majors, creating new economics majors, innovating economic theories, and drawing up the blueprint for the development of economics. Professor Qian's devotion to science and pursuit of truth is a great tribute to the mission of philosophical and social scientists to learn about the world, carry on civilizations, innovate theory, advise the government and educate the public, serve society, and create wealth, which has set a great example for us to follow.
作者 朱启贵
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2015年第6期68-82,共15页 Frontiers
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"完善经济社会发展考核评价体系研究"阶段性研究成果 项目批准号:14ZDA013
关键词 国民经济核算体系 平衡原则 国民大核算体系 社会劳动价值论钱伯海 national economic accounts system, principle of balance in national economic accounting,general system of national accounts, social labor theory of value, Qian Bohai
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