
基于Wi-Fi技术的穿戴式动物嗅觉机器人 被引量:5

A Wearable Olfactory Animal-Robot System Based on Wi-Fi Technology
摘要 基于Wi-Fi技术的动物嗅觉机器人通过对记录的大鼠嗅觉神经元信号进行分析解码,实现气味检测与识别。本嗅觉机器人由大鼠和穿戴式动物神经记录系统组成;其中穿戴式动物神经记录系统包括前置探头、动物背包和用户软件,采用IEEE 802.11g网络协议,最大数据传输率为54 Mbit/s,可同步记录8通道嗅觉神经数据。计算机或i Pad对采集的大鼠嗅觉神经信号进行实时的显示和记录,并使用主成分分析法(PCA)对记录到的数据进行离线分析,实现气味识别。 Artificial olfactory system based on a telepresence rat was presented to record and decode neural activities from behaving rats for odorant detection. The Artificial olfactory system consists of two parts:(A)adult rat,and(B)a wearable wireless neural recording system(WNRS). The WNRS that constructed of a amplifier headstage,backpack board and user software is capable of transmitting up to 54 Mbit per second of raw streaming data using IEEE 802.11g protocol,and can examine and store 8 channels of captured neuronal firing data synchronously. Olfactory neural data are recorded and displayed in personal computer or iPad,and then be analyzed offline with PCA algorithm to realize odor recognition.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期303-309,共7页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然基金委重大国际合作项目(61320106002)
关键词 动物机器人 无线记录 嗅觉 神经信号 Wi-Fi animal-robot wireless recording olfactory neural data Wi-Fi
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