Node.js因其异步I/O的特性,非常适合于服务器端的Java Script开发。然而为实现此环境下异步I/O的并发控制,开发者不得不手工编写繁琐的代码,因而给开发者造成了障碍。以并发计数器为基础,可以设计一个并发控制流框架。该框架以直观的调用形式,实现了异步I/O间的并发控制;其不仅有助于Node.js环境下的JavaScript开发,更提高了开发者的开发效率。
Because of the asynchronous characteristic of I/O,Node.js is quite suitable for developingserver-side Java Script applications. To implement concurrent asynchronous I/O control,developers haveto write tedious code manually,it becomes a barrier to developers. Based on the concurrent counter,aconcurrent flow- control framework can be constructed. The framework achieved concurrent controlbetween multiple asynchronous I/O in a direct viewing way. Thus,it benefits server- side JavaScript developments and also promotes the efficiency of development.
Journal of Jianghan University:Natural Science Edition