以2-3年生勃氏甜龙竹的壮年竹作母竹,将其伐倒后,把芽饱满的茎秆锯成2~3个节1段的竹秆,培育出1年生的埋节苗,于2002年3月育苗,2003年5月造林。2004年11月和2005年11月,采用羊粪+地膜(处理Ⅰ),沼液+绿肥+地膜(处理Ⅱ),鸡粪+地膜(处理III),鸡粪+绿肥(竹叶)(处理Ⅳ)4种措施,开展勃氏甜龙竹反季节栽培试验,测定其产笋量。结果表明,采用反季节栽培可使勃氏甜龙竹的发笋时间提前至每年1-2月份,与常规方法 (5月发笋)相比,出笋时间提早了2-3个月。处理Ⅲ(鸡粪+地膜)对勃氏甜龙竹竹笋增产效果明显,每公顷产量为5 386.8 kg,比对照(2 887 kg/hm2)增产2 499.8 kg/hm2,增幅达46.41%。
Dendrocalamus brandisii belongs to the Dendrocalamus genus,Gramineae,which is a large sympodial bamboo species. This species possesses the desirable traits for being sources of wood for construction and edible bamboo shoots. In order to help the bamboo put up edible shoots earlier than usual in the year for increasing growers' economic benefits from selling off-season shoots in the market,tests were made for growing bamboo shoots of this species using four different planting methods as well as different protective measures for budding and fertilizers.When bamboo shoot products were harvested,the productivity of the sampled plots was measured,from which the most productive sample was identified. The tests showed that the improved planting method is capable of making the bamboo put up shoots two to three month earlier( February or March) that using the regular methods( where bamboo usually puts up shoots in May). Moreover,a substantial increase in productivity is observed with SampleⅢ bamboo groves grown with goat manure as fertilizers and plastic membrane for protection. Specifically,more products are harvested from the sampled plots at a rate of 5 386. 8 kg per hectare,which represents an increase of2 499. 8 kg / hm2 or 46. 41 % per hectare than usual.
Journal of West China Forestry Science
Dendrocalamus brandisii
bamboo shoots
off-season cultivation