

Business Intelligence in the Era of M-ICT
摘要 认为在M-ICT时代,在云计算和政企业务领域总体趋势为:首先,发展方向从软件定义的存储,到软件定义计算,到软件定义的数据中心;其次,微模块正成为数据中心部署的主流模式,而Open Stack主导数据中心的管理方式;第三,云计算技术正在重塑容灾备份方案,私有云与公有云融合的混合云正成为政企云建设的重要模式,而分布式块存储引领企业存储。认为因为云计算的发展和成熟,使得大数据和人工智能得以快速发展,从而进一步促进了ICT融合业务的创新:首先,Hadoop与Spark开源大数据平台成为业界主流,内存和流计算成为热点,针对特定场景的专有计算方式不断涌现;其次,智能问答成为人工智能的热点,实用性强前景广阔,而机器智能与行业应用深度结合使基于统一基础平台开发定制成为趋势。认为基于Web RTC的轻量级的企业协同走向成熟,Web技术的发展促使ICT融合新业务发展格局正在不断改变并持续前行。 In the M-ICT era, cloud computing and enterprise businesses are undergoing great changes. The overal trends are described as fol ows. First, with the development of software-defined computing and storage, the software-defined data center is developing rapidly. Second, the micro-data-center model is becoming the mainstream in IDC deployments, and OpenStack is leading cloud management. Final y, cloud computing is reshaping solution related to disaster and recovery. Hybrid cloud is becoming an important mode of government and enterprise business, and distributed block storage is leading enterprise storage. At the same time, it is precisely because of the development and maturation of cloud computing, big data and artificial intel igence that innovative ICT services are being integrated. Open-source platforms such as Hadoop and Spark are becoming mainstream, and which focus on memory and stream computing, while a lot of proprietary methods of calculation for a particular scene are emerging greatly. Second, artificial intel igence is becoming more popular because of its wide practical prospects. Deep combination of machine intel igence and industry business based on a unified platform is becoming a new trend. In addition, with the mature of WebRTC in enterprise col aborative application, the new web technology is promoting the rapid change and development of the new ICT convergent service, and moving it forward continuously.
出处 《中兴通讯技术》 2015年第2期56-62,共7页 ZTE Technology Journal
基金 国家科技重大专项(2012ZX03002004-2-1)
关键词 软件定义存储 软件定义数据中心 网络功能虚拟化 人工智能 大数据 基于网页的实时通信 software-defined storage software-defined datacenter network function virtualization artificial intel igence bigdata Web real-time communication
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