
人口学因素对因癌症丧亲者哀伤反应的影响 被引量:2

The influence of demographic factors on grief response to family members died from cancers
摘要 目的了解人口学因素对癌症丧亲者哀伤反应的影响。方法通过寻访和网络招募的方式寻得因癌症死亡而丧失亲属的调查对象135人,并进行问卷调查。结果调查显示,PG-13得分女性[(20.98±8.07)分]高于男性[17.88±6.23)分];居住地中,大中型城市[(19.77±7.33)分]高于县城[(19.29±9.38)分]和农村[(18.95±7.08)分];文化程度中小学及以下得分最高[(24.80±8.48)分];婚姻状况中丧偶[(24.50±10.06)分]、同居[(24.50±7.24)分]和离婚/分居[(24.00±7.07)分]得分均高于已婚[(19.23±7.06)分]和未婚[(16.74±5.75)分],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论性别、文化程度、婚姻状况是影响癌症丧亲者个体哀伤反应的因素,应从各个角度进行工作,来帮助这类人群尽快从丧亲之痛中得到恢复。 Objective To assess the predictive role of demographic factors in cancer bereaved grief reaction.Meth-ods One-hundred and thirty five bereaved persons whose relatives died of Cancer were recruited by visiting and internet in the current study.These subjects were asked to complete Prolonged Grief-13 (PG-13)and the demographic information.Results Investigation shows that,PG-13 score of female (20.98 ±8.07)is higher than male (17.88 ±6.23);people who live in larger cities (19.77 ±7.33)is higher than people live in countyside (19.29 ±9.38)and rural area (18.95 ±7.08);people that just finish their primary or middle school gain the highest score (24.80 ±8.48);rather than married (19.23 ±7.06)and single (16.74 ±5.75 ),scores of people lost their spouse (24.50 ±10.06),in cohabitation (24.50 ±7.24)and divorced/separated (24.00 ±7.07)were higher.The differences are statistically significant (P 〈0.05).Conclusion The gender, education level,marital status can predict grief reaction of cancer bereaved individuals,We should carry out these works from different aspects in order to effectively help these people recover from the pain of lossing relatives.
作者 王海英
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2015年第3期276-278,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 癌症丧亲者 哀伤反应 人口学因素 Family of dead cancer patient Grief reaction Demographic factors
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