

Empirical Study on the Contribution of Small Towns Public Infrastructure and Population Densityon Economic Growth
摘要 利用2005和2010年数据,在评价各地区小城镇公用设施存量水平基础上,利用引入人口密度变量扩展的巴罗模型测算公用设施对小城镇财政收入的贡献。实证发现,各类公用设施、人口密度和镇区面积变量对小城镇经济增长的贡献显著。有侧重地优先保障中西部地区民生类基础设施的供给,扩大小城镇镇区规模和提高人口密度,以及采取有进有退小城镇发展战略,对于促进经济增长非常重要。 By using Barro model and the data of year 2005 and year 2007,the article calculates public infrastructure contribution on small towns economic growth based on the level evaluation of small towns public infrastructure stock. The result shows that the contribution of all kinds of infrastructure, population density and township area upon small towns economic growth is significant. On the empirical basis, the article draws a conclusion to safeguard livelihood infrastructure supplies in central and western regions, to increase small towns scale and population density, as well as to flexibly adopt small town development strategy.
作者 谢长青
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期40-46,共7页 Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
基金 2010年教育部人文社科一般项目(10YJC790304) 2010年广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划项目(GD10YYJ09) 2013年广东省学科建设专项资金人文社科一般项目(2013WYXM0117)
关键词 公用设施 小城镇 地区差距 人口密度 巴罗模型 public infrastructure small town regional difference population density Barro Model
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