神经生长因子(NGF)是一种在靶细胞合成,并内源性地参与交感神经和感觉神经元的发育、稳定和再生的营养因子。由于其和它的受体原肌球蛋白相关激酶受体A(Trk A)和p75被证实广泛存在于大多数的房水组织中包括晶状体、玻璃体、脉络膜、虹膜以及小梁网中,而在视网膜中,NGF被视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)、双极神经元、胶质细胞产生并特异性地利用,因此NGF被认为在血多疾病的过程中具有关键性的保护作用。这篇综述将讨论NGF在视神经截断、缺血性损伤、眼高压以及青光眼等疾病中对视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)的作用。
Nerve growth factor(NGF) is a kind of endogenous neurotrophins produced by targeting cells which involved in the development, maintenance and regeneration of sympathetic and sensory neuron. Due to this neurotrophin and its receptors tropomyosin-related kinase receptor A(Trk A) and p75 widely exist in most intra-ocular tissues, including lens, vitreous, choroid, iris and trabecular meshwork. Moreover, NGF is produced by retinal ganglion cells(RGCs),bipolar neurons and glial cells and utilized specifically. Numerous researches have used NGF as a treatment for ophthalmic diseases. This review will discuss the progress of the protective effect of NGF in some ophthalmic diseases.
Journal of Nongken Medicine