
Effective Approaches to Wheat Improvement in Kazakhstan: Breeding and Conservation Agriculture

Effective Approaches to Wheat Improvement in Kazakhstan: Breeding and Conservation Agriculture
摘要 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and Kazakhstan collaborative activities on wheat improvement are focused in the following main areas: (1) wheat germplasm enhancement: Kazakhstan-Siberian Network on Wheat Improvement (KASIB) and Shuttle Breeding "Mexico-KASIB" Programs; (2) Conservation agriculture (CA) for wheat production and crop diversification. Nineteen breeding programs of Kazakhstan and Russia are united by KASIB Network and Shuttle Breeding. By 2014, more than 15,000 wheat lines and varieties were involved in breeding programs of Kazakhstan and Russia; 10 varieties were developed and released. The KASIB Network and Shuttle Breeding Program were recognized as one of the best example of the effective regional and international cooperation in Kazakhstan and Russia. In the beginning of 2000 CIMMYT, National Agricultural Research System, the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO, World Bank in cooperation with farmers initiated large-scale activities based on CA in Kazakhstan. Due the joint efforts, area under CA-based practices has been increasing from virtually none to an estimated area of 500,000 ha in 2007, 1,200,000 ha in 2008, 2,000,000 ha in 2014 with continued rapid increases in area. Kazakhstan is now included among the top ten countries with the largest areas under no-tillage in the world.
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第10期761-765,共5页 农业科学与技术(B)
关键词 WHEAT conservation agriculture breeding. 哈萨克斯坦 保护性农业 小麦改良 穿梭育种 CIMMYT 国际合作 育种计划 世界银行
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