
Specificity of Food Security Concept as a Wicked Problem

Specificity of Food Security Concept as a Wicked Problem
摘要 The aim of the article was firstly to analyze a specific character of the food security's concept, and secondly to present a large variety of stakeholders' positions dealing with the issue and their impact on economic and political dimensions. For this purpose, a review in available studies and documents was made. The results show that a lack of the precise definition for the food security's concept creates different understandings, leading to various interpretations and divergent solutions. The reasons could be found in specifics of the food security's concept which is qualified as a wicked problem. Wicked problems refer to issues which are highly complex, have innumerable and undefined causes and are difficult to understand and frame. Therefore, caution is required when positions of stakeholders are estimating. Based on literature, it can be stated that the productionist (focusing on intensive food production) and environmental frames are dominant in the debate, resulting in potential conflicts and different claims about action to be taken. As a result, a clear political vision on the food security's concept is lacking. In conclusion, a return to the principle what food production is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable can reshape a public debate in order to actively form food security policies at the global and national levels in the future. However, better coping strategies like cooperative strategy should be developed to tame food security as a wicked problem by turning over to stakeholders for new definitions and solutions.
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第10期823-831,共9页 农业科学与技术(B)
关键词 Food security wicked problem stakeholders' positions. 粮食安全 安全观 利益相关者 异性 食品安全 位置估计 食品生产 权利要求
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