
对口援藏的“华新模式”调查与分析 被引量:8

An Investigation and Analysis of the “Huaxin Model” of Complementary Counterpart Assistance to Tibet
摘要 华新水泥公司的产业援藏变"对口援助"为"对口合作";变"输血式援藏"为"造血式援藏";变"政府投资"为"社会投资";变"交钥匙式援藏"为"参与式援藏";变"粗放发展"为"集约发展",凸显了对口援藏工作的长期性、群众性和科学性。华新水泥公司产业援藏的成功实践表明对口援藏应努力发挥援藏企业的优势,注重援藏项目遴选;努力搞好援受双方"三个对接",注重统筹谋划;切实保障受援地区可持续发展,注重生态环境保护;增进各族群众"四个认同"和"三个离不开",注重维护团结;将企业的短期性转为国家的长期援藏行动,注意建立激励机制;努力将当地民众吸纳到援藏项目,注意教育引导。 Tibet is located in the high Qinghai- Tibet plateau. Surrounded by tall mountains,it,thus,forms a relatively complete inland geographical unit,and is largely sealed off from the rest of the country. The climate and infrastructure conditions of the high plateau impede communication between the Tibetan market and the national market.The development of Tibet is facing difficulties. On the one hand,the "invisible hand"of the market cannot fully play its role in promoting Tibet's development; and,on the other hand,the sole reliance on the "visible hand"of the state administration for the socio- economic development of Tibet lacks strong market support. In 1994,the Central Government's Third Tibet Work Forum established a formal system regarding assistance for Tibet's development. It is,"taking responsibility by dividing the region into zones, providing assistance through complementary counterpart relationships,which were periodically rotated ". This became a method for handling this difficulty. The purpose of providing assistance through complementary counterpart relationships to Tibet was to promote Tibet's self- development capability, and develop a"hematopoietic"system for socio- economic development.Assigned by the Central Government,Hubei province took the responsibility for providing assistance to Shannan prefecture of Tibet. From 1994 to2014,it invested 1. 34 billion yuan,and conducted 410 projects there. Among them,the industrialassistance of the Huaxin Cement Company to Tibet is a typical model,and it has been positioned as the "Huaxin Model"by the media. It has been 20 years since the construction of this institutionalized system of providing complementary counterpart assistance to Tibet. So,it is timely and meaningful to review and reflect on the practical significance of the "Huaxin model"in order to further carry out counterpart assistance to Tibet.According to an analysis,the "Huaxin model" has the following characteristics: Firstly,it changes "complementary counterpart assistance "into "complementary counterpart cooperation ",which enhances the driving force of the counterpart assistance to Tibet. Secondly,it changes "transfusion- style assistance"into "hematopoietic- style assistance",which in turn promotes the self- development capability of the recipient of the assistance. Thirdly, it changes "government investment"into "social investment ",which broadens the source of capital for Tibet. Fourthly,it changes"turnkey- style assistance"into"participatory assistance",which promotes the inclusiveness of the development. Fifthly,it changes "extensive development"into"intensive development",which promotes the sustainable development of the recipient region. To a great extent,the twenty years' of complementary counterpart assistance to Tibet also exposed the defects of the system. However, the"Huaxin model"was explored in order to overcome these defects,and the results of this highlightedthe persistence,scientific nature,and the nature of the masses in its work of complementary counterpart assistance to Tibet.The "Huaxin model"has significance in the following aspects for promoting the complementary counterpart assistance to Tibet: 1) it made an effort to place Tibetan enterprises into dominant positions,and paid attention to the selection of assistance projects; 2) it made efforts to do a good job with the "three links"( i. e. overall arrangement link,products link,enterprises link) of the side providing assistance and the side receiving assistance,and paid attention to overall planning; 3)it ensured the sustainable development of the recipient region,and paid attention to ecological and environmental protection; 4) it paid attention to maintaining unity; 5) it turned the short- term assistance of enterprises into the long- term action of the state,and paid attention to building an incentive system; 6) it made an effort to absorb local people into the Tibetan complementary assistance projects,and paid attention to education and guidance.The reason why Tibet is more economically backward than the hinterland is because there is a lack of characteristic products developed from local resources,thus,there is a lack of characteristic industries. If one wants the commodities of Tibet to flow into the national market,the cost of production and transportation is very high. The development of a market economy and complementary counterpart assistance to Tibet creates conditions for turning of the resource advantage of Tibet into an economic advantage.What the "Huaxin model "illustrates is thatcomplementary counterpart assistance to Tibet should insist on the combination of "transfusion "and "hematopoiesis ",the construction of "hardware"and "software ". The model has cultivated the characteristic industries in Tibet during the process of improving economic development,and enhanced the self- development capability of the region receiving assistance.
出处 《民族学刊》 2015年第1期39-44,105-106,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“面向农牧民需求的对口援藏模式优化研究”(项目编号:71273183)的阶段成果
关键词 西藏 对口援藏 华新模式 Tibet complementary counterpart assistance Tibet Huaxin model
分类号 C [社会学]
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