
电子商务环境下消费者网络评价影响因素研究 被引量:2

The factors of online evaluation based on the E-commerce environment
摘要 消费者网络评价在电子商务中引导消费者的网购行为,而消费者特征、商家因素和物流因素在不同程度上影响消费者网络评价结果。具体分析了11个因素,构建了消费者网络评价影响因素的理论模型,结合195份调查问卷,通过Logistic回归检验了11个因素对消费者网络评价的影响。研究结果表明:消费者宽恕倾向、经验特征、商品质量、售后服务质量和配送速度对消费者网络评价有正向影响,交付态度和交付方式对消费者网络评价有负向影响,而商品一致性、价格、商家声誉和商品完好性对消费者网络评价没有显著影响。其中,质量是核心影响因素。此外,研究发现高收入和高学历群体越来越注重网络购物的整体体验,对电商的期望更高。 Online evaluations guide consumers' online shopping behaviors,and consumers' characteristics,merchants factors and logistics factors affecting consumers' online evaluation results in varying degrees. This study analyzes 11 factors and constructs a theoretical model about the factors of consumers' online evaluations. Combined with 195 questionnaires,the following study tests the impact of 11 factors on online evaluations by Logistic regression. It is finds that the tendency of consumers to forgive,experience features,product quality,service quality and delivery speed have a positive impact on online evaluations,the attitude and the manner of delivery have a negative impact on online evaluations. However,the commodity consistency,prices,reputation and integrity of goods have no significant effects on online evaluations. Among them,the quality is the core factor. In addition,high income and high education groups increasingly focused on the overall online shopping experience who have higher expectations for electricity supplier.
机构地区 宁波大学商学院
出处 《科技与管理》 2015年第2期38-45,共8页 Science-Technology and Management
关键词 电子商务 网络评价 网购 E-commerce online evaluation online shopping
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