
对大数据支持的学习分析与评价的需求调查--基于教师的视角 被引量:11

Needs Investigation for Big Data based Learning Analytics and Assessment——via the Perspective of English Major
摘要 基于调查问卷面向中小学教师就实施基于大数据支持的学习分析与评价的需求从以下三个维度进行调查:(1)认识维度:对大数据及相关信息技术在学习分析与评价中应用价值的认识;(2)有用性维度:对大数据支持的学习分析与评价功用的需求;(3)易用性维度:影响中小学教师实施基于大数据支持的学习分析与评价的因素、已有知识与技能准备情况以及期望得到的支持。调查显示,绝大多数中小学教师非常期望能够利用大数据支持的学习分析与评价方法与技术对全体学生的学习信息实现全方位、全程化收集、整理与分析,从而系统评价学生的学习过程与结果,认为基于大数据支持的学习分析与评价不但能够促进全体学生的全人化与个性化发展,也有利于教师自身的教学决策与教学改进,同时也期望得到相关的实施培训与指导。 This study investigates elementary and middle school teachers' demands for the application of big data based learning an-alytics and assessment (BDLAA) from the following three aspects:(1) in the cognition dimension, how do the teachers judge the val-ue of BDLAA;(2) in the usefulness dimension, what functionalities do the teachers expect for BDLAA;and (3) in the ease of use di-mension, what influencing factors, preparations, and supports are concerned with teachers' adoption of BDLAA. According to the inves-tigation results, a majority of teachers expect BDLAA can help get and analyze all the students' learning information from all-around aspects and whole-processes to realize a systematic assessment of learners ' learning processes and achievements. Meanwhile, most teachers believe BDLAA is promising to promote all the learners' whole-person and personalized development, and to contribute to teachers' educational decisions and teaching improvement, and expect to be provided with more training and guide for the implementa-tion of BDLAA.
机构地区 东北师范大学
出处 《现代远距离教育》 CSSCI 2015年第2期36-42,47,共8页 Modern Distance Education
基金 教育部科学技术战略研究项目(编号:2014XX07)“大数据支持下的学习分析与教学评价研究”阶段性成果
关键词 大数据 学习分析与评价 需求调查 Big Data Learning Analytics and Assessment( BDLAA) Needs Investigation
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