

Research on the Technological Origin Issues in Open and Distance Education
摘要 我国开放远程教育正处于跨越式高速发展、与国际开放远程教育逐步接轨的新时期。教育技术各要素在开放远程教育领域被广泛应用,在教学中更注重对其功能的开发和使用。而对于一些关于开放远程教育的教育技术的本源性理论问题研究还未能获得定论。从理论上深入探讨研究教育技术的作用和价值是开放远程教育发展的必然要求。 The open and distance education in China rapidly develops in new period by leaps and bounds, and gradually integrates into the international open and distance education standards. Various elements of educational technology are widely used in the field of education. But because of educational technology in teaching practice, we pay more attention to the application research.However, some distance education technology of some original theoretical problems could not be widely accepted. The theoretical research of educational technology is the inevitable requirement of the development of open and distance education.
作者 李亚楠
出处 《天津电大学报》 2015年第1期26-29,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Radio and Television University
关键词 开放与远程教育 教育技术 理论 open and distance education educational technology theory
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