
为运动、游戏和锻炼而设的城市自由空间 被引量:2

Urban Free Space for Sport, Games and Exercise
摘要 城市中的自由开放空间对于体育和休闲活动的开展有重要的影响。本文基于大量研究和参与体育规划的实践经验,首先陈述了城市自由空间中已有的运动类型,其次再阐述不同人群参与这些活动的动机和需求,然后展示了自由空间在城镇发展过程中的一些现状,最后讨论了城市自由空间在未来的发展趋势。本文对于德国城市中体育开放空间做了综合的介绍,并且强调了不同的社会群体对于体育活动的需求,以及城市自由空间发展对于这些群体的影响。 Urban free space plays a pivotal role in the development of sports and leisure activities. The article is based on the authors' large amount of researches and practical experience in sports planning. It expounds the existing exercises in urban free space and tells the participation motivation and requirements of the different groups of people. It reveals the status quo of the development of free space in the cities and towns and discusses the future development of urban free space. It gives a comprehensive introduction of the sports open space in the cities of Germany and stresses the sport activity requirements of the different social groups as well as the influence of urban free space development on those groups.
出处 《体育科研》 2015年第2期44-47,共4页 Sport Science Research
关键词 自由空间 社会群体 体育参与 体育需求 free space social group sports participation sports requirement
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