

A Critical Interpretation of Deconstructionist Marxist Ideology
摘要 德里达所创立的解构学马克思主义,具有丰富的意识形态性的内容和底蕴,对此我们需要运用马克思主义的观点、方法和立场进行辩证分析和批判性解读。在德里达那里,解构不仅是一个哲学概念,一个解读文本的方法论的范畴,更是他不断试图介入政治领域、影响现实世界的一种意识形态话语。解构所折射出的意识形态的基本内涵在于主张取消特权,更为重要的是它"点爆"了诸如"延异"、"踪迹"、"播撒"等意识形态范畴群,成为了意识形态杂交繁殖的思想场域。解构不断呼唤正义,成为一种让人渴望的"乌托邦",激发人向未来勇敢索要兑现正义的意识形态。当德里达运用其解构之思指向马克思、马克思主义的时候,马克思、马克思主义不仅被其幽灵化,同时也演化为德里达本人试图在改造与完善现有资本主义的基础上建立"新国际"的一种意识形态的支撑。因此,解构方法在解读出马克思主义文本中的一些所谓的"言下之意"和"言外之意"外,更可能造成对马克思主义文本的恶性拆解和断章取义,严重破坏了马克思主义文本内在的逻辑体系和马克思主义理论内在的整体性,对此我们需要有清醒的认识。 Deconstructionist Marxism, founded by Derrida, is rich in ideological content, so a dialectical and critical analysis of it is needed in the Marxist perspective and method and from Marxist standpoint. Den-ida believes that deconstructionism is a philosophical concept and a methodology of reading text. What's more, it is an ideological discourse he had been constantly trying to tap the political field to produce influences on the real world. Preaching the privilege of consumption, the basic ideological connotation reflected in the deconstruc- tionism, has produced a series of ideological categories or conceptions, which form a circle where different ide- ological thoughts breed and collide. Deconstructionism pursues for justice and becomes a kind of ideology, a desirable "utopia", arousing people to bravely claim cashing justice in the future. When Marx and Marxism are interpreted by Derrida and his deconstructionism they are evolved to be a support for him to set up new in- ternational ideology on the basis of improving the existing capitalist establishment. Therefore, it is of every chance for deconstructionism to dismantle Marxist text and take out of context when interpreting the so-called "understatement" and "implication" of the text, as may destroy the inherent logic and integrity of Marxist the- ory. So we need to keep alert of it all the time.
作者 李明
出处 《理论学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期12-19,共8页 Theory Journal
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"当代中国价值观念对外话语体系的建构与传播研究"(项目编号:A14AZD041) 安徽省<马克思主义主义基本原理概论>名师工作室课题建设的阶段性成果
关键词 解构 意识形态 马克思主义 deconstruction ideology Marxism
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