
移动增强现实教育游戏的开发——以“快乐寻宝”为例 被引量:21

The Development of Augmented Reality Educational Game Based on Mobile Devices —— The Case Study of “Happy Treasure”
摘要 随着移动终端设备的快速发展,增强现实教育游戏已延伸至户外空间,拓展了教育游戏的应用范围。通过分析现有案例,归纳了移动增强现实教育游戏的基本功能模块,设计并开发了一款移动增强现实教育游戏——"快乐寻宝"。该游戏结合基于位置和基于图像的两种增强现实技术,参与者利用多个手持终端协同工作,通过寻找任务、回答知识,交流与协作,共同完成室外寻找"宝藏"的活动。应用表明,"快乐寻宝"游戏虚实结合,互动性强,具有较强的临场感和沉浸感,可以完成多种类型的学习任务。 With the fast development of mobile devices, Augmented Reality Educational Game had been used outdoors, extending the application range of educational games. Through the analysis of current cases, the essay tries to sum up the basic functional module of AR educational games on the basis of mobile devices. Based on this mode, an AR educational game on mobile device, which is named happy treasure, has been designed and developed. This game combines two kinds of augmented reality technology, that is LBS and image recognition, which allows multiple players look for task, answer questions, communicate and cooperate, and at last accomplish the assignment by the use of handheld terminal. According to the application outcome, this game is a virtual-real synthesis, interactive and provides a sense of presence and immersion, where learning tasks of various types can be accomplished.
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2015年第4期101-107,共7页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"增强现实电子书的开发与应用"(项目编号:12YJA880012) 上海市教育科学研究重点项目"基于新媒体的社会性阅读研究"(项目编号:A1308)阶段性成果
关键词 增强现实 教育游戏 移动终端 augmented reality educational game mobile device
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