
沿海软土区域高大构筑物沉降监测的探讨 被引量:2

Discussion on the Settlement Monitoring of Tall Building in Soft Soil Area in Coastal
摘要 文中结合沿海软土区域某风力发电厂风机位的沉降监测实际情况,对高大构筑物在软土区域沉降监测方案中的点位布设、基准选择、技术方法、数据联合分析等技术设计进行探讨,希望能为今后开展软土区域高大构筑物沉降监测和其它类型的沉降监测工作提供参考。 Lake- bottom Deformation Special Equipment Designation and its Observation Methods analysis- Deformation observation method was designed respectively called ' method combined underwater observation points with a special measuring rod ' for mining deformation observation problem under Weishan Lake.Static GPS,dynamic GPS- RTK experiment,GPS- RTK Leveling and leveling- four were experimented because the equipment need use GPS- RTK. Relationship model was determined that it was the distance between the base station and the moving station and the GPS- RTK plane and height measuring accuracy. Then the method was used to view the bottom deformation of the mining face in a mine in Weishan Lake in Shandong province. Results showed that,the data was accurate and high- precision by the method solving the problem of burying point and viewing under the lake. The measured data was finished and analyzed,deformation curve was drawn out,rock movement parameters were obtained and the new and reliable method water was provided under the hydrostatic.( Luan Yuanzhong et al.)Discussion on the Settlement Monitoring of Tall Building in Soft Soil Area in Coastal- In the paper,the author discussed the observing point distribution, the reference point selection, the technical methods and the data conjoint analysis in the settlement monitoring of tall building combining the practical subsidence monitoring of the wind turbine in a wind power plant located in soft soil area in coastal,expecting to provide the reference to the subsidence monitoring work of tall building in soft soil and other types of subsidence monitoring.
出处 《矿山测量》 2015年第2期92-94,6,共3页 Mine Surveying
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