为探讨紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)和多花黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)单独青贮与不同比例混合青贮品质的差异,将二者按6种不同鲜草质量比10:0(A_(10)B_0),8:2(A_8B_2),6:4(A_6B_4),4:6(A_4B_6),2:8(A_2B_8),0:10(A_0B_(10))进行青贮品质比较试验。结果表明:pH和氨态氮(NH_3-N)含量混合青贮相对于紫花苜蓿单独青贮显著降低,A_4B_6,A_2B_8均显著低于其他处理(P<0.05)。混合青贮处理A_8B_2,A_6B_4,A_1B_6粗蛋白(CP)及可溶性蛋白(SOLP)含量均显著高于单独青贮处理,各处理的非蛋白氮(NPN)含量处于较高的水平,A_4B_6和A_2B_8能更好地保存中性洗涤不溶蛋白(ADIP)。A_2B_8的饲料蛋白质在瘤胃中容易降解部分PA+PB1含量最低,瘤胃中缓慢降解部分PB2+PB3最高,蛋白质组成最优,但A_4B_6粗蛋白总量明显高于A_2B_8(P<0.05)。紫花苜蓿和多花黑麦草混合青贮质量比为4:6时效果最佳。
Protein components and qualities of ensiled alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and Italian ryegrass(Loli- urn rnultiflorurn) were studied. The harvested alfalfa and ryegrass were mixed according to the ratio of 10 : 0 (A10B0), 8 : 2 (AgB2), 6 : 4 (A6B4) , 4 : 6 (A4B6) , 2 : 8 (A2B8), 0 : 10 (AoB10). The result showed that the mixed silages of alfalfa and Italian ryegrass gained the lower levels of pH and NHa-N, especially A4 B6 and A2 B8 treatments. The mixed ensiling A8 B2, A6 B4 and A4 86 treatments had the higher levels of CP and SOLP than the single ensiling A10B0 and AoB,0 treatments. The NPN contents of all treatments main- tained the high levels during tested period, while A4B6 and A2B8 treatments could better preserve ADIP than others. The A2Bstreatment had the best protein structure resulted from the least PA4-PB1 and the most PB2q-PB3. However, the content of crude protein in A4B6 treatment yeas significantly higher than in A2B8 treatment. It was suggested that the best ratio of mixed silage of alfalfa and Italian ryegrass was 4:6.
Acta Agrestia Sinica