
心理学视角下的失业和再就业研究 被引量:1

Research on Unemployment and Reemployment from the Perspective of Psychology
摘要 失业是指在一个人愿意并有能力为获取报酬而工作,但尚未找到工作的状况。失业问题一直困扰着世界各国的经济和社会发展。本文系统梳理了心理学视角下的失业和再就业研究,描述了失业对个体的消极影响及其机制,分析了个体因素、工作信息来源、求职过程及歧视等对成功再就业的影响,整理了加速再就业的措施。未来的研究应进一步深化求职质量的研究、关注心理学视角下特殊群体的失业和再就业研究、并进一步加强本土化的研究。 Unemployment refers to the situation that when a person is willing and has ability to work for payment,but has not found a job yet. The unemployment problem has plagued the world economic and social development. This article systematically summarizes the research on unemployment and reemployment from the perspective of psychology, describes negative effect of unemployment to the individual and its mechanism, analyzes the impacts of individual factors ,job information sources ,job search process and discrimination to the successful reemployment, and organizes the measures of reemployment acceleration. Future research should further deepen the research on the quality of job search behaviors, pay attention to the research on special group's unemployment and reemployment from the perspective of psychology, and value the importance of localization study.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期176-180,共5页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 失业 再就业 心理学视角 求职 unemployment reemployment the perspective of psychology job search
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