通过对河坝1井高压区固定式节流阀在实际运用情况的分析,指出了"三高"气井的固定式节流阀选择为安全开采这类气井的关键,分析得出国产普通固定式节流阀不适合河坝1井高压节流的需要,改进的固定式节流阀基本能够满足生产需要,进口固定式节流阀完全能够满足生产需要,但这3种固定式节流阀流向均不符合API 6A要求,存在一定的安全隐患,提出了改进建议。
Through the analysis on actual application of stationary flow valve in high pressure area of Heba1 stwell,this paper points out the selection of stationary flow valve in "three high"gas well is the key to safe exploitation of such gas well. And it obtains the result from analysis that ordinary stationary flow valve made in China cannot meet the requirement of Heba1stwell's high press throttle,modified stationary flow valve basically can meet the production requirement and imported stationary flow valve can completely meet the requirement. But these three valves do not meet API 6A requirement because they have certain hidden danger,therefore this paper puts forward suggestions for improvement.
Safety Health & Environment