目的:分析上海市黄浦区手足口病流行病学特征,为有效控制手足口病流行提供科学依据。方法:应用描述流行病学法对上海市黄浦区2009-2013年手足口病监测资料进行分析。结果:上海市黄浦区2009-2013年手足口病报告发病1 680例,年平均发病率为37.09/10万,呈上升趋势;6岁以下年龄组发病率最高,占99.50%;男性发病率为45.16/10万,女性为29.33/10万,男女发病率之比为1.54:1;职业分布中以幼托儿童(903例)和散居儿童(635例)发病居多,分别占53.60%和38.00%;发病高峰为5~7月,占45.80%;黄浦区10个街道均有手足口病发生,其中半淞园街道发病人数最多,瑞金街道最少。聚集性病例高发场所为幼托机构,占87.10%;聚集性疫情发生的主要时间在3~6月,占69.84%。结论:手足口病是重点防控的传染病,应加强疫情的监测和控制,防止其爆发流行。
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand foot and mouth disease in Huangpu District of Shanghai to provide a scientific basis for the effective control of it. Methods: The descriptive epidemiology was used to analyze the monitoring data of hand foot and mouth disease from 2009 to 2013 in Huangpu District of Shanghai. Results: 1 680 cases of hand foot and mouth disease were reported from 2009 to 2013 in Huangpu District of Shanghai, and the average annual incidence was 37.09/100 000, which showed an increasing tendency. The incidence of the age-group under the age of 6 was the highest, accounting for 99.50%. The incidence was 45.16/100 000 in the male, and 29.33/100 000 in the female, and the ratio of the male and female incidence was 1.54:1. The incidences in the preschool children (903 cases) and scattered children (635 cases) were in the majority in the occupation distribution, accounting for 53.60% and 38%. The incidence peak was from May to July, accounting for 45.80% in the entire incidence. Hand foot and mouth disease occurred in all ten neighborhoods in Huangpu District, among them, the onset of the largest number was in Bansongyuan neighborhood and the least in Ruijin neighborhood. The place with the high clustered hand foot and mouse disease was the child care institutions, accounting for 87.10% and the main time of the clustered hand foot and mouth disease occurred was during March and June, accounting for 69.84%. Conclusion: Hand foot and mouth disease is an infectious one which is focused on prevention and control, and it should be strengthened to monitor and control so as to prevent its outbreak.
Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
hand foot and mouth disease
distribution of three