1The Center for Academic Integrity (1999) .The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity.Des Haines, IL: Office of College Relations at Oakton Community College[EB/OI_].wwwacademicintegrity.org/fundamental_ values_project/pdf/FVProj ect.pdf,2014-12-5.
2HEFCE (2009) .Report of the Sub-committee for Teaching, Quality and the Student Experience [EB/OL]. www ahefce .ac .uk/pubs/hefce/2009/09_40/, 2014-12-5.
3The Higher Education Academy JISC Academic Integrity Service. Supporting Academic Integrity Approaches and Resources for Higher Edu- cation [EB/OL].www2.wlv.ac.uk/celt/howto/Supporting Academiclntegrity.pdf, 2014-12-5.