目的探讨建立检测EsD点突变rs9778的片段长度差异等位基因特异性PCR技术(Fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR,FLDAS-PCR),并调查贵州汉族群体遗传学参数。方法针对EsD基因点突变(NCBI Reference SNP ID:rs9778),设计片段长度差异等位基因特异性PCR引物进行扩增,经丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离、银染显带后分型,并调查175例贵州省汉族无关群体等位基因数。结果片段长度差异等位基因特异性PCR技术对EsD-rs9778亚型的3种基因型分型明确。贵州省汉族人群EsD-rs9778 A/G基因频率分别为0.651和0.349,基因型频率分别为1/1 0.434、1/2 0.434和2/2 0.132,Ho 0.434、He 0.457、PIC 0.351、DP 0.599、PEt 0.176 PEd 0.103,基因型分布符合HardyWeinberg平衡。结论片段长度差异等位基因特异性PCR技术对EsD-rs9778亚型的3种基因型分型明确,该位点多态性有实际应用价值。
Objective:To establish a new method for EsD-rs9778 SNP typing using fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR(FLDAS-PCR),and study the polymorphism in Han population of Guizhou. Methods:For EsD-rs9778 loci(NCBI Reference SNP ID:rs9778),two allele specific forward primers with different length and a public reverse primer were designed for typing of alleles after polyacrylamide gel and silver staining. Results:Typing results of EsD-rs9778 using FLDAS-PCR were distinct and consistent with expectation. The allele frequency of A/G were 0.651 and 0.349 respectively;genotypes frequency of 1/1,1/2 and 2/2 were 0.434,0.434 and 0.132 respectively;The observed heterozygosity(Hobs),the expected heterozygosity(Hexp),the polymorphism information content(PIC),the discrimination power(DP)and the probability of exclusion(PE)were 0.434,0.457,0.351,0.599,0.176,and 0.103 respectively. The population data fitted the Hardy-Weinberg law. Conclusion:FLDAS-PCR was reliable and useful methods for EsD-rs9778 SNP typing. EsD-rs9778 was a high polymorphism loci for forensic identification.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity