Quantifying the dissolution of nanomaterials at the nano-bio interface
Quantifying the dissolution of nanomaterials at the nano-bio interface
With the rapid development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, more engineered nanomaterials(NMs) are being released into the environment. Such releases might lead to unwanted exposure. The dissolution of NMs at nano-bio interfaces is one of the most noteworthy causes of the toxicity of dissolvable NMs. A growing number of studies are focusing assessing NMs dissolution during exposure tests. This mini review considers recent developments in the quantitative tools for the assessment of NMs dissolution, and highlights the critical points in the evaluation of the toxicity of dissolvable NMs.
With the rapid development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, more engineered nanomaterials (NMs) are being released into the environment. Such releases might lead to unwanted exposure. The dissolution of NMs at nano-bio interfaces is one of the most noteworthy causes of the toxicity of dissolvable NMs. A growing number of studies are focusing assessing NMs dissolution during exposure tests. This mini review considers recent developments in the quantitative tools for the assessment of NMs dissolution, and highlights the critical points in the evaluation of the toxicity of dissolvable NMs.
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