

An Analysis of Afghanistan Presidential Election in 2014
摘要 2014年9月21日,加尼击败热门总统候选人阿卜杜拉成功当选第三任阿富汗总统。与2009年总统大选相比,此次选举虽然依旧充斥着舞弊现象,但舞弊行为多为"选票填充"并集中发生在选举官员身上;选举参与率尚未恢复2004年的水平但有所提高;尽管总统竞选团队有一半的少数民族,但此次选举仍然是普什图族之间的较量;选举过程充满波折但较为稳定、完整,塔利班未能破坏选举;美国暗中主导选举进程。总的来说,此次总统大选进程虽几次陷入僵局但最终成立联合政府。然而,后撤军时代,大选后尚未解决的诸多纷争、较低程度的多民族政治参与以及新政府"亲美"的姿态等问题,使得阿富汗的局势充满不确定性。 On September 21, 2014, the Afghanistan presidential election finally came to an end. Through two rounds of voting, Ghani was elected the third Afghan President, while Abdullah, another popular presidential candidate, acted as ”Chief Executive Officer”. Compared with the 2009 presidential election, this election was still full of frauds. However, the frauds were sometimes ”stuffed votes”, more by election officials. Though less than the electoral participation rate of the 2004 presidential election, the rate increased this time. Half of the presidential campaign members were ethnic minorities, but the election was still a battle between Pushtuns. Election process met with deadlocks, but eventually came to be stable and integrated, while the Taliban failed to subvert the election. What’s more, the United States dominated the electoral process secretly. In general, the presidential election process was stalled several times but finally a coalition government formed. However, Afghanistan was still in uncertainty for there were many unresolved disputes, lower political participation and the government’s”pro-American”attitude.
作者 李诗隽 韩隽
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第1期80-84,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 2011年度自治区社会科学基金项目"新疆周边国家局势与新疆安全研究"(11BGJ071) 2012年度自治区人文社科基地重点项目"美国撤军计划实施后阿富汗民族和解进程研究"(XJEDU010312B04) 2014年新疆大学世川良一优秀研究生科研资助项目"美国撤军计划实施后阿富汗民族和解进程研究"(XJU-SYLLF14003)
关键词 阿富汗 总统选举 阿什拉夫·加尼 Afghanistan Presidential election Ashraf Ghani Feature
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