
STS视域下中国食品安全问题的社会共治——“瘦肉精”事件反思 被引量:6

Social Co-governance of Food Safety Problems in China from Perspective of STS——Case Study of " Lean Meat Powder"
摘要 《食品安全法》的颁布没能阻止"瘦肉精"的使用,贝克的"有组织的无责任"概念诠释了问题的原因,职责分摊不明确是关键。技科学的思想为问题的解决提供了宏观依据,即食品安全监管是政治、法律、科学、企业、公众、媒体、仪器材料、行业组织等行动者共同组成的一张"无缝之网",多要素的共同作用才能使问题得以解决。SEE的视角为问题的探讨提供了微观措施,即从技能的维度分析公众介入的合法性与合理性,这为公众参与的路径做出了方法论指导。 The promulgation of Food Safety Law in China failed to stop the use of "lean meat powder". Organized irresponsibility" concept by Beck interprets the cause of the problem, which is the lack of the explicit responsibility. The concept of " technology and science" provides macroscopic basis for the solution of the problem. It shows that the food safety monitoring is a seamless web commonly knit by politics, law, science, enterprises, the public, media, instruments, materials, industries and organizations. The combined action of various elements and factors can make the problem solved. The perspective of SEE provides countermeasures in a microscopic way to approach the problem , namely, analyzing the legitimacy and the rationality of the public engagement from the dimension of expertise which gives methodological guidance to the public participation.
作者 赵喜凤
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期100-107,共8页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 浙江省教育厅科研资助项目(项目编号:Y201430708) 宁波大学校科研项目(项目编号:XYW14006)
关键词 食品安全监管 STS 社会共治 food safety supervision STS social co-governance
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