
创造活的遗产——铁路遗产概念的探讨及其保护与再利用的新思路 被引量:10

A New Strategy of Creating Living Environment With Retired Railway Facilities:The Concept of Railway Heritage and Its Application
摘要 铁路遗产的保护和再利用是对铁路事业的极大促进。我国的高速铁路已经走向世界。蓬勃的铁路事业需要文化的支撑、历史的追忆、在城市空间的存在感。铁路遗产的保护和再利用既有城市规划和建设对资源转化的迫切,更有适逢铁路事业发展的机遇。该文总结归纳我国铁路遗产保护与再利用的现状,回顾欧美国家铁路遗产利用的发展过程,借鉴欧美国家在铁路遗产文化、保护、政策、规划设计等方面的经验,为指导我国铁路遗产再利用工作的开展提供理论基础。 In this article, we discuss the protection and reuse of railway heritage. The expressway in China has already created challenge and opportunity of retired railway facilities. The recognition of railway heritage offers many urban design elements, like cultural support, historical remembrance and the sense of place in urban space. The protection and reuse of railway heritage meets the urgent demand of resource in urban planning and promotes the culture of high speed railway development. We also summarize the current experience in the protection and reuse of railway heritage in China and draw lessons from Western countries in terms of promoting railway heritage culture, protection, policy, planning and design. So as to provide a theoretical base for the guidinq railway heritaqe protection and reuse in China
作者 曾忠忠 张波
出处 《华中建筑》 2015年第5期170-173,共4页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 铁路遗产 保护 再利用 Railway heritage, Protection, Reuse
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