
化肥单施及生物炭与化肥配施对土壤物理性质、大豆形态学指标及产量影响 被引量:12

The effects of chemical fertilizer,combined application of chemical fertilizer and biochar application rates on soil physical condition,soybean morphological index and yield
摘要 在现代化低碳农业的背景下,研究了土壤物理性质、大豆植株形态学指标(迪克森质量指标)与收获产量对推荐施肥(NPK)及生物炭和推荐施肥(NPK)配施的响应程度。结果表明,与化肥单施(T1)处理相比,生物炭与化肥混施(T2、T3和T4)处理土壤容重均有不同程度降低,降幅为3.1%-10.2%;大豆茎长、茎重和根长均大于化肥单施T1处理,而根重则无明显规律。与化肥单施T1处理相比,T2、T3、T4处理增产幅度依次在4.8%-12.1%之间,生物炭施用量与产量增幅成正比;迪克森质量指标范围在7.79-9.71之间,与产量间相关关系可以用一元二次方程表示,决定系数为0.98。说明迪克森质量指标一定程度上可以表征作物长势,研究结果可为评价不同施肥管理措施下的大豆最终产量和生长过程中植株形态的环境相应的相关性提供理论依据。 The effect of chemical fertilizer, combined application of chemical fertilizer and different biochar application rates on soil physical properties, soybean morphological indexes and yields were studied. The results showed that in compared with T1 ( chemical fertilizer) , for the other three treatments bulk density was decreased by 3. 1% -10. 2%, length of stem and root, stem weight and soybean yield were all increased. The percentage of the yield increased for T2, T3 and T4 were from 4. 8% to 12. 1% and meanwhile Dickson Quality Index showed the similar trend with values from 7. 79 to 9. 71. Soybean yield was positively correlated with biochar application rates or Dickson Quality Index. The relationship between yield and Dickson Quality Index could be expressed by quadratic equation with determination coefficient of 0. 98. The results illustrated that the combination of biochar with chemical fertilizer could characterize soybean growth in a certain degree, which could provide the theoretical basis for soybean yield and environment adaptability of morphological development under various fertilizer application management.
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期29-32,共4页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 国家自然科学基金(41171245) 农业部行业专项(201303126 201303095) 黑龙江省自然科学基金(E201202)
关键词 生物炭 迪克森质量指标 大豆 产量 biochar Dickson Quality Index soybean yield
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