
铜丝键合塑封器件开封方法的改进研究 被引量:1

Improvement Study on Decapsulation Method for Cuwire Bonding Plastic Package Device
摘要 通过分析塑封器件的开封过程中使用传统的化学开封方法的关键过程和制约因素,并进行了相应的改进,设计出一种将激光烧蚀和化学腐蚀相结合的铜丝键合塑封器件的开封方法;通过在不同的开封温度和浓酸配比条件下进行效果对比,总结出该方法开封铜丝器件的关键因素和推荐参数,对开封铜丝键合器件具有一定的指导作用。 The key process and restrained factors in decapping the plastic devices using traditional chemical decapsulation method are analyzed and improvements are made accordingly. A decapslation method for Cu-wire bonding plastic package devices combinglaser ablation with chemical etching is designed. Through comparing the results under different decapsulation temperature and concentrated acid proportion, the key factors and parameters recommended are concluded when using the method to decap Cu-wire bonding devices. It offers some guidance on the decapsulation for Cu-wire bonding devices.
出处 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2015年第2期35-38,共4页 Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing
关键词 铜丝键合 化学开封 塑封器件 激光 芯片 Cu wire bonding chemical decapsulation plastic packaging device chip
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