
社区发展的角色困境及其解决路径——一种社会企业的观察视角 被引量:11

The Role Dilemma in Community Development and its Solutions:From the Perspective of Social Enterprise
摘要 社区发展作为推进社会全面进步的重要途径,它需要政府、社会与市场的多元合作和共同参与,但是,在现实层面,政府权力、社会力量与市场机制介入社区发展可能导致政府、社会与市场各自角色偏离和合作不畅的困境,这势必会影响社区共同体的良性发展。社区发展的角色困境很难在现有框架内得到解决,因此,必须创新社区发展模式,寻求社区发展新的推动力量。社会企业作为一种新型的社会组织形态,它运用商业策略解决社会问题,实现政府、市场与社会三种力量的有机结合,刚好可以成为破解社区发展中角色困境的重要路径。但是,社会企业在中国是一个新生事物,它的健康成长缺乏相应的政策环境和社会文化土壤,这就使得社会企业介入社区发展存在着诸多潜在的风险,这不能不引起政府和学界的警惕。 Community development is an important path for promoting the development of society,it needs the cooperation and participation of government,society and market. However,the intervention of governmental power,societal forces and market mechanism may result in the role dilemma and poor cooperation of government,society and market,which must have an influence on the well development of community. The role dilemma of community development is far from being resolved in the exist framework. Therefore,it needs to bring forth the new pattern of community development,and seek new promotion power for community development. Social Enterprise,as a kind of new social organization,solves social problems by using commercial strategies,persists in the ' triple-bottom-line' of public policies,market and civil society,and realizes the organic combination of government,society and market,so that it becomes an important path for solving the role dilemma of social development in China. However,social enterprise is a new thing in China,its development needs the support of government policy and social culture. Therefore,there are lots of risks in the intervention of social enterprise into community development,which government and academic circles have to be vigilant.
作者 贺建军
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期69-75,135,共8页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 2014年国家社科基金一般项目<社会企业介入的社区发展实验研究>(项目编号:14BSH101)
关键词 社区 社区发展 社会企业 community community development social enterprise
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