
半月板组织工程天然支架材料研究进展 被引量:2

Advances on Natural Scaffolds of Meniscus Tissue Engineering
摘要 当今社会半月板损伤十分常见。近些年,伴随生命科学和生物工程学不断发展,用组织工程原理和技术修复损伤的半月板成为热点。许多支架材料也应运而生并取得良好效果,而天然半月板支架材料起着重要的作用,如何选取理想的天然支架材料已成为这一课题的关键,其材料包含种类繁多,可分为可注射类半月板支架材料,不可注射类半月板材料。每种材料都有其独特的优势及缺陷,根据不同的需要来选择合适的材料。迄今为止,运用组织工程技术还不能完全模拟半月板组织,没有一种材料达到最理想的水平。本文着重介绍半月板组织工程天然支架材料。并对未来半月板组织工程支架材料的研究提出展望。 Meniscus injury is common in today's active society. In recent years, using tissue engineering principles and technology to repair injured meniscus has attracted scholars' attention extensively, along with the development of life science and bioengineering. Many scaffolds materials also arises at the historic moment and achieve good results. The natural meniscal scaffolds materials and how to select the ideal natural scaffold material has become an important role in this subject. It contains variety, which includes injectable material,and noninjectable material. Each material has its unique advantages and defects, we can choose the right material according to different needs. So far, using tissue engineering technology can not completely simulate the meniscus tissue, none of materials can reach ideal level. Here is to make a review on the natural scaffolds of meniscus tissue engineering and looking forward to the future research of meniscal tissue engineering scaffold material.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2015年第13期2581-2584,共4页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
基金 黑龙江省科技攻关项目(GC09c412-2)
关键词 半月板 支架 生物材料 组织工程 Meniscus Scaffolds Biomaterial Tissue engineering
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