为改善早春大棚番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)的品质,并达到增产增收、省工、省力、省成本的目的,开展了早春大棚番茄生产应用熊蜂(Bombus sp.)授粉技术试验。结果表明,熊蜂授粉处理比激素点花处理增产937 kg/667m2,单果重增加11.2 g,单株坐果数增加3.8个,畸形果率下降17个百分点,节省人工投入185元/667m2,共节本增收2 621元/667m2。同时熊蜂授粉技术比激素点花技术的番茄果形周正、果实饱满多汁,改善了番茄的风味与口感,提高了果实硬度;在生产过程中还减少了农药使用次数和激素残留。
In order to promote the fruit quality and increase yield and income with less labour and cost, bumblebee (Bombus sp.) pollination technique was applied in early spring tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) production in greenhouse. The results showed that compared with steroid-induced treatment, the yield of tomato treated by bumblebee pollination technique increased by 937 kg/667m2. Single fruit weight increased by 11.2 g. The number of fruit setting per plant increased by 3.8 while the index of malformed fruit decreased by 17%. The labor cost decreased by 185 RMB/667 m2. The comprehensive benefit increased by 2 621 RMB/667 mz. The fruit with bumblebee pollination treatment was more round, plump and juicy compared with steroid-induced treatment. The fruit flavor and taste was improved, especially the fruit hardness. The bumblebee pollination technique reduced pesticide application and hormone residue.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences