
评估者内隐人性观对受评者绩效评估公正感的影响 被引量:1

Research on the Influence of Rater's Implicit Person Theory on Ratee's Justice Perceptions in Performance Appraisals
摘要 本文通过构建关系模型对177名主管与399名企业员工的样本调查数据进行阶层回归分析,实证研究评估者内隐人性观(IPT)对受评者绩效评估公正感的作用机理。研究发现,评估者内隐人性观对受评者绩效评估公正感存在显著影响,受评者IPT对评估者IPT与评估者公正感、评估等级公正感、相关利益公正感关系起显著正向调节作用。 This paper establishes a model to analyze the samples data of 177 managers and 399 employees by hierarchi- cal multiple regression. It empirically analyzes the impact mechanism of rater's IPT on ratee's justice perceptions in per- formance appraisals. The results show that rater's IPT significantly influence ratee's justice perceptions in performance appraisals; ratee's IPT positively moderate the relation between rater's IPT and ratee's rater justice perception, appraisal rating justice perceptions and relevant interest justice perceptions.
作者 江卫东 王超
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期122-129,共8页 Commercial Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 项目编号:71172103
关键词 内隐人性观 绩效评估公正感 实体观 渐变观 implicit person theory (IPT) justice perceptions in performance appraisals entity implicit person theory incremental implicit person theory
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