
政府财政补贴与社会效果:新农保制度的绩效评估——以西藏自治区为例 被引量:4

The Performance Measurement of the New Rural Social Endowment Insurance for Social Effects of Government Fiscal Subsidy——A case study of Tibet Autonomous Region
摘要 新农保制度的绩效评估研究对新农保制度设计和政府责任完善具有十分重要的借鉴意义。文章基于政府绩效相关理论,以西藏自治区为例,通过构建客观效果和主观感受指标来评价和衡量新农保制度的社会效果,并对各指标进行了量化和综合,进而对政府财政补贴影响新农保社会效果的程度,进行了实证模拟分析。研究结果表明:农民选择的缴费额与缴费年限对新农保制度社会效果具有正向的推动作用;政府财政补贴是影响新农保制度社会效果的重要因素,但由于政府财政补贴的力度较弱、地方政府对不同缴费档次的补贴差额较小,因而对新农保制度社会效果具有抑制作用。 To study the performance evaluation of new rural social endowment insurance has very importantmeaning to the perfection of the new rural social endowment insurance system design and governmental responsi-bilities. Based on the related theoriesabout government performance, and taking Tibet as an example, this articleevaluates and measures the social effects of the new rural social endowment insurance by constructing indicatorsof objective results and subjective experience. It also quantizes and integrates various indicators so as to imple-ment empirical simulation of government fiscal subsidies to the new rural social endowment insurance. The re-sult shows that the payment and payment years which farmers choose have a positive role in promoting the socialeffects of the new rural social endowment insurance; the fiscal subsidy is a key factor to influence the new ruralsocial endowment insurance. But own to weak strength of government financial subsidies and the small gap of lo-cal government to different classes of pay cost standard, it's so difficult to attract farmers to choose higher pay-ment standard that substitute rate of the new rural endowment insurance is low, which then increases farmers' negative expectations to future life of endowment so as to have inhibitional effect to the new rural social endow-ment insurance. Finally, this article puts forward some policy suggestions on improving the rural old-age securi-ty regime and social affection of new rural endowment policy.
作者 郑军 朱甜甜
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第1期17-24,共8页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金西部项目"西部地区农村养老保障体系建设中的政府责任研究"(项目号:11XSH029) 2013年度四川省教育厅重点项目"农村养老保险制度中政府财政责任的综合评价体系研究"(项目号:13SA0109) 2014年度安徽省高校人文社会科学重点项目"安徽省农业巨灾风险保障体系构建研究"(项目号:SK2014A155) 安徽钰诚融资租赁研究中心项目"保险业参与农村融资租赁服务三农模式研究"(项目号:YB2014003)阶段性成果
关键词 政府财政补贴 社会效果 新农保制度 绩效评估 government fiscal subsidy social effects the new rural social endowmentinsurance performance evaluation
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