
2015年1—2月国内生产安全事故统计分析 被引量:3

Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2015
摘要 统计了2015年1—2月国内发生的各种生产安全事故122起,其中包括交通事故、矿业事故、爆炸事故、火灾、毒物泄漏与中毒和其他事故。统计表明,在122起事故中,交通事故占74.59%,矿业事故占2.46%,爆炸事故占3.28%,火灾占2.46%,毒物泄漏与中毒占5.74%,其他事故占10.66%。122起事故共死亡463人,伤113人。死亡人数的百分比分别为交通事故76.46%,矿业事故2.81%,爆炸事故3.89%,火灾3.24%,毒物泄漏与中毒4.54%,其他事故9.07%;受伤人数的百分比分别为交通事故68.14%,矿业事故6.19%,爆炸事故4.42%,火灾0,毒物泄漏与中毒10.62%,其他事故10.62%。2015年1—2月生产安全事故发生较多的5个省、自治区分别为黑龙江(12起)、广西(12起)、云南(10起)、湖南(10起)、广东(10起);死亡人数较多的5个省、自治区分别为云南(44人)、湖南(43人)、黑龙江(42人)、广西(42人)、安徽(36人);受伤人数较多的5个省、直辖市分别为湖南(18人)、安徽(17人)、云南(16人)、重庆(10人)、辽宁(9人)。 The present paper reports the statistical data and analysis of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2015. There are 122 accidents in total, which can be summarized and classified into six categories: traffic, mining indus- try, explosion, fire, leakage and poisoning, and the others. Of all the 122 accidents, the percentages of the six categories can be illus- trated according to their frequency order 74.59 %, 2.46 %, 3.28 %, 2.46%, 5.74% , and 10.66% respectively. The death toll is 463 and the percentages for the six categories are 76.46%, 2.81%, 3.89%, 3.24%, 4.54%, and 9.07 % respectively. The injured toll is 113 and the percentages for the six categories are 68.14%, 6.19%, 4.42%, O, 10.62% and 10.62% respectively. The anal- yses of the statistics show that the top five provinces and autonomous regions with highest accident number are: Heilongjiang (12 acci- dents), Guangxi(12), Yunnan('10), Hunan(10), and Guangdong (10) . The top five provinces and autonomous regions with the largest death toll are : Yunnan (44 dead), Hunan (43), Heilongjiang (42), Guangxi(42), and Anhui(36). And the top five provinces and cities with the biggest injured toll are: Hunan(18 injured), Anhui(17), Yunnan(16), Chongqing(10) and Liaoning(9).
作者 李生才 笑蕾
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期375-377,共3页 Journal of Safety and Environment
关键词 安全管理工程 事故数据 统计分析 safety control accident statistical analysis
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