
农民工创业就业现状分析——基于中国“打工第一县”的调研 被引量:5

Analysis of the Entrepreneurship and Employment Situation of Migrant Workers——Take “No.1 County of Migrant Workers” for Example
摘要 以最有代表性"中国打工第一县"之称的金堂县为分析对象,通过统计分析,并结合多个典型创业案例,显示农民工创业与当地劳动力资源状况密切相关,同时也有自己的约束条件,农村中年以上劳动力、留守妇女、有家庭负担的青年劳力等人需依靠本地转移就业,农民工返乡创业带动了这些人员的本地就业,具有一定经济效益,在带动县域经济发展的同时,更解决了大量就业困难群体的本地转移就业问题,为中西部地区带来了巨大的社会效益,政府应当给予大力支持。 This paper analyses Jintang County,known as No.1County of Migrant Workers in China,whose greatest feature is to focus on labor economy.It concerned the rural labor employment in the early period,and recently pays attention to the entrepreneurship of returned migrant workers.Through the analysis of the statistics and the typical cases of entrepreneurship,the result shows that the entrepreneurship of Jintang returned migrant workers is closely related to the local labor resources status,and has its own constrains.Middle-aged labor,women left in the rural area and young labor with family responsibilities need to be employed in the local.The returned migrant workers for entrepreneurship help promote these labors' employment,also develop the county economy,improve rural landscape and living environment,and promote the urban-rural integrated construction.It may bring certain economic benefits and significant social benefits.The government should give strong support to it.
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期37-43,共7页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 农村劳动力转移 回乡创业 农民工创业 rural labor transfer return home for entrepreneurship migrant workers for entrepreneurship
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