This paper investigates the dynamic response of a Full Scale Spacecraft (FSS) in ground tests and in space missions. The consistency between the responses obtained from ground tests (while the spacecraft is mounted on a shaker) versus its actual response in space (while the spacecraft is mounted on a launch vehicle)is explored. This is so called ground-space consistent problem. Considering the interface between FSS and its holding devices (either launch vehicles or shakers), modem ground testing technique doesn't guarantee the interface accelerating condition (IAC) and the interface boundary assembling condition (IBAC) to be satisfied at the same time. Therefore it cannot guarantee the accuracy of its results obtained from ground tests. Facing the problem, the paper reveals that, by setting IAC between the FSS and the shaker to the same value as the IAC between the FSS and the launch vehicle, the corresponding IBAC would be satisfied automatically. Therefore using the proposed multidimensional test approach, the dynamic response of FSS in space can be simulated accurately on ground. To prove the hypothesis, first, the paper derived the dynamic response of the Full Scale FSS in space (mounting on a launch vehicle) in an analytical form. This analytical result includes the IAC between the spacecraft and the launch vehicle, as well as the actual response of the spacecraft in space Second, by setting IAC between the FSS and the multidimensional shaker to the same value as the IAC between the FSS and the launch vehicle, the dynamic response of the FSS on shaker were also simulated analytically. The dynamic response obtained in the second step is compared to the internal response obtained in the first step to validate the consistency of the two results. This result shows that the proposed ground tests on a multidimensional shaker can indeed produce the actual response of FSS in space when mounted on a launch vehicle. The new development will be a theoretical basis and practical guidance for future ground based multidimensional dynamic test of FSS.
Structure & Environment Engineering
full scale spacecraft
interface accelerating condition
multi-dimension vibration
consistencybetween ground tests and its space missions.