

Theoretical Study on the Reaction Mechanism of CH_3SH with OH under Atmospheric Conditions
摘要 采用密度泛函理论,对CH3SH与OH的反应机理进行了量子化学研究。基于B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)水平,找到了三条可能的反应通道。结果表明:在需要克服能垒的通道中,巯基上氢抽提在动力学和热力学上最有利,活化能为2.7 k J/mol,低于甲基上的氢抽提通道;而对于不需要克服能垒的通道,产物CH3S(OH)H的能量较高,不如前两种通道产物稳定。 A quantum chemical investigation on the reaction mechanism of CH3 SH with OH has been performed using density function theory( DFT). Based on B3 LYP /6- 311 + + G( d,p) calculations,three possible pathways have been found. Comparing to the H- shift of methyl,the results indicated that the H- shift of sulfydryl should be the main pathway with a lower energy barrier of 2. 7 kJ / mol. This pathway was beneficial not only in thermodynamics but also in kinetics. However,the channel involving a barrierless addition gave over to CH3S( OH) H,which was not so stable owing to the higher energy.
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2015年第8期4-5,9,共3页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
基金 滨州学院"国家级大学生创新创业训练计划"(201310449107) 滨州市科技发展计划项目(2014ZC0321) 滨州学院"青年人才创新工程"(BZXYQNLG201202)
关键词 硫醇 OH 反应机理 CH3SH OH reaction mechanism
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