
稀相气力输送CFD-DEM仿真中两种模型的比较 被引量:6

Comparison of two different CFD-DEM models for simulation of dilute-phase pneumatic conveying
摘要 比较了两种不同的CFD-DEM数学模型(模型A和简化模型A)在稀相气力输送数值模拟中的性能。简化模型A忽略了空隙率对气相的影响,在节省仿真时间的同时也提高了计算的稳定性。使用两种模型分别对带有弯管的稀相气力输送系统进行了仿真,对比仿真结果表明:两种模型对颗粒绳分散速度和弯管出口处颗粒分布的预测几乎一致,对弯管入口处颗粒速度和弯管中接触信息的预测也仅存在较小差别。 This paper presents two different CFD-DEM models. Model A and simplified Model A, and compares their properties of simulating dilute pneumatic conveying. The simplified model A can ignore the effect of the volume fraction on the gas phase, save the simulation time and improve the stability of calculation. Using the two models to simulate the dilute pneumatic conveying system with a bend, the results obtained show that the rate of the particle rope dispersion and the particle distribution at the exit of the bend section are almost consistent according to the prediction from the two models, on- ly with smaller differences in the prediction of the particle velocity at the entrance of the bend section and the contact data at the bend section.
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期57-60,共4页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
基金 国家高新技术发展计划资助项目(2007AA04Z128) 武汉市科技计划资助项目(201271130442)
关键词 离散元 CFD 气力输送 稀相 discrete element method CFD pneumatic conveying dilute phase
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