机坪登机口作为机场的核心资源,是飞机在机场进行地面保障和生产准备作业的主要场所,其资源的有效利用与否直接影响着航班服务的效率和质量。目前,飞机在登机口调度的不合理性已经成为航班延误的重要原因之一。因此,机场物流管理中迫切需要借助科学的方法指导工作人员进行机坪登机口服务的合理调度排序。以往生产作业主要靠经验进行手工调配,具有很大的局限性。文中对机场登机口服务调度问题进行研究。首先,介绍了停登机口服务的内容、规则和约束等。其次,结合实际生产,运用运筹学整数规划方法对登机口服务调度进行建模,并根据实际调度流程和约束条件,进行调度案例的参数设置。最后针对模型,使用运筹优化软件ILOG CPLEX进行求解,以实现登机口的优化调度。计算结果表明,优化后的模型实现了在保证登机口各方面约束的基础上,减少了登机口调配不当造成的航班延误,同时提高机场服务质量。因此,该研究对机场物流研究具有一定的借鉴意义。
Airport apron,as a core resource airport,is the main place the aircraft at the airport ground,supporting operations and production preparation.Airport terminal gates compose the main part of the apron,and the effective usage directly affects the efficiency and quality of flight services.Currently,the aircraft gate unreasonable scheduling has become one of the important causes of flight delays.Therefore,airport logistics management urgently needs to use scientific methods to guide staff to reasonably schedule the gate service.Previous experience in production operations mainly relies on manual deployment,and it has significant limitations.In this paper,airport gate service scheduling problem is studied.Firstly,the content of the apron gate service,scheduling rules and constraints are introduced.Secondly,we use operations research method,specifically integer programming approach,to formulate a gate -scheduling model,and the actual scheduling process and constraints,are set in the sequel case analysis.Finally,we use logistics optimization software ILOG CPLEX to solve the model to the optimum,which achieves an optimal schedule.The results show that the model constructed is able to ensure the realization of the gate on the basis of various constraints,reducing the gate improper deployment of flight delays,and improve airport services and quality.Therefore, this study has some meanings for the airport apron gate service scheduling.
Logistics Engineering and Management
airport logistics
apron gate