
大兴安岭兴安落叶松林火烧后人工恢复植被演替过程 被引量:8

Succession process of Larix gmelinii forest with artificial restoration after fire in Daxing'anling
摘要 为了研究大兴安岭地区重度火烧区火烧迹地森林植被人工恢复规律,采用由植被空间序列推断时间系列的方法,分析大兴安岭地区重度火烧后人工恢复兴安落叶松林的植被恢复演替过程。结果表明:火后初期,林分灌木和草本物种数迅速增多,随着火后年限的推移,灌木和草本物种数均减少,草本物种数减少较多;乔木和灌木盖度随火烧年限的增加而增加,草本盖度呈下降趋势。对物种相似度研究发现,火烧后不同年限样地灌木相似度较大,而草本植物年限相近样地相似度较高,年限相距较大的不同样地相似度较低,而且随着年限的增加,不同样地间的相似度降低。重度火烧后,人工恢复对林分恢复起到加速作用,经研究,火后25年人工恢复兴安落叶松人工林基本恢复到未火烧落叶松天然林水平。 In order to reveal the laws of forest vegetation artificial restoration in severe fire area in Daxing' anling Mountain,with the method of deducing time series from spatial series for vegetation succession,we analyzed the succession process of Larix gmelinii forest with artificial restoration in severe fire area in Daxing'anling Mountain. The results showed that,early after the fire,the number of shrubs and herbs species increased fast. As time goes on,the number of shrubs and herbs species started to reduce,and the herbs reduced stronger. As time goes on,the coverage of arbors and shrubs increased,but the herbs showed an opposite trend. We found in species similarity study that it was high to shrubs similarity in different years. And the herbs had a high similarity in the years closer,and a low similarity in the years further. And as time goes on,the similarity became lower. After the severe fire,artificial recovery accelerated the recovery of the forest. The results showed that after 25 years,the artificial restoration of Larix gmelinii forest had the same state with the Larix gmelinii natural forest which was not be burned.
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期70-76,共7页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目"重度退化生态系统恢复与重建关键技术研究与示范"(2011BAD08B02)
关键词 兴安落叶松 人工恢复 演替 火烧 Larix gmelinii artificial restoration succession fire
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