
一种基于多标拍卖的资源分配算法 被引量:1

Multi-Bid Auctions for Resource Allocation
摘要 针对有限资源开放式系统多任务多资源分配问题,提出了一种基于多标拍卖的资源分配算法.算法首先基于资源效用曲线为每个任务建立投标集合.其次,任务向系统递交投标,系统收集所有任务投标并定义市场出清价,确定资源分配的规则.最后算法通过启发式方法调整每个任务的最大投标值,以获得接近最优的系统总效用.实验结果表明算法在资源有限的情况下优先分配资源给投标价格高的任务,与0-1整数规划资源分配算法相比时间复杂度低,最优值偏差不大. How to allocate multi-resource for multi-tasks in a limited resource system is a big challenge.In order to solve this problem,a resource allocation method based on multi-bid auctions theorem was proposed.Firstly,multi-bids were created for each task based on resourceutility curves.Then the system collected all bids and set a market clearing price to allocate resources for tasks.Finally,the maximum bid of the task was adjusted to obtain the approximate optimal system utility.Simulation results show that the proposed method prefers to allocate resources to the task with highest bid.Compared with the 0-1integer programming algorithm,this method has lower complexity and can obtain approximate optimal system utility.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期279-283,共5页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家"八六三"计划项目(2011AA01A102) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2011BAH16B03) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项资助项目(XDA06010302)
关键词 资源分配 多标拍卖 效用最优 服务质量 resource allocation multi-bid auctions utility optimization QoS
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